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Achilles Tendon Stretches

Click on Underlined Exercise Name for Link to our YouTube Channel Video
Straight knee achilles tendon stretch

This stretches your Achilles Tendon and the Calf Muscle that Crosses the Back of Your Knee.  May do Both Legs Together.  

bent knee achilles tendon stretch

This stretches your Achilles Tendon and the Calf Muscle that Does Not Cross the Back of Your Knee.  May do Both Legs Together.  

Runner wall achilles tendon stretch knee straight

This stretches your Achilles Tendon and the Calf Muscle that Crosses the Back of Your Knee.  May do Both Legs Together.  

Runner wall achilles tendon stretch bent knee

This stretches your Achilles Tendon and the Calf Muscle that Does Not Cross the Back of Your Knee.  May do Both Legs Together.  

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171 Norwich Avenue, Colchester, CT  and

21-C Liberty Drive, Hebron CT.  General email


Providing Physical Pherapy, Sports Medicine, and Personal Training  to Southereasten Connecticut  communities including Colchester, Hebron, Marlborough, East Hampton, Salem, East Haddam, Lebanon, Columbia, Andover, Bolton, Coventry, Montville, East Lyme, Lyme, Haddam, Coventry, Glastonbury, Portland, Manchester, Mansfield, Windham, Bozrah, Norwich, and surrounding towns. 

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