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Marya Grimes
Dec 6, 20242 min read
Make Your Movement Better
What is Mobility? Mobility is how well your joints can move. It means your joints and muscles can move freely through all the actions...
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Marya Grimes
Oct 15, 20244 min read
Importance of Core Strength
In today’s world, we depend on power for almost everything. It’s in our homes, businesses, and cars. We get energy from different...
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Christopher DiPasquale
Mar 12, 20224 min read
Neuropathy: Pain Tingling Numbness in Your Feet or Hands
There are treatments that can help. You can do a lot of the treatments yourself at home. Most people have been told there is nothing...
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Christopher DiPasquale
Oct 23, 20214 min read
Balance Problems & Falling Epidemic
Every year 1 in 3 people over age 65 fall. 1 in 2 people over age 80 fall each year. People that fall once are twice as likely to fall...
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Christopher DiPasquale
Sep 13, 20205 min read
Avoid Pain Treatment Traps
The healthcare system is full of traps for people with common painful conditions. People with aches and pains get tests. Based on the...
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Christopher DiPasquale
Apr 11, 20202 min read
Best Hip & Knee Arthritis Treatment
In 2015 over 7 million people in the US were living with knee or hip joint replacements done for arthritis pain. Major studies done on...
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Christopher DiPasquale
Jan 25, 20203 min read
What Causes Arm or Leg Tingling or Numbness
Learn how to avoid mistakes that can lead to the wrong treatment for pain, tingling, and numbness in your spine, arms, and legs.
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Christopher DiPasquale, PhD, PT, OCS, SCS, CHT
Dec 22, 20193 min read
Avoid Unnecessary X-rays & MRIs To Avoid Unnecessary Medications, Injections & Surgery
If these are needed, we specialize in getting you back to your normal life with as little medication or injections as possible and...
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Christopher DiPasquale, PhD, PT, OCS, SCS, CHT
Nov 23, 20194 min read
You've Been Misled: "Not all Calories are the Same"
When it comes to your weight you probably think of calories. Calories are the energy in the foot you eat. You have probably heard on...
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Christopher DiPasquale, PhD, PT, OCS, SCS, CHT
Oct 15, 20193 min read
Best Treatment Option for Trigger Finger
You probably have trigger finger if your finger gets stuck curled up and you have to force it to straighten back out. That the "trigger"...
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Christopher DiPasquale, PhD, PT, OCS, SCS, CHT
Sep 15, 20193 min read
Testing Kids Before Sports Concussion
A concussion is a temporary disruption of brain function. This includes things like memory, reaction time, processing speed, balance,...
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Christopher DiPasquale
Aug 15, 20194 min read
How Schools can Best Protect Your Student-Athlete
Christopher DiPasquale, PhD, PT, OCS, SCS, CHT Performance Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Offices in Hebron and Colchester, CT (This...
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Christopher DiPasquale, PhD, PT, OCS, SCS, CHT
Jul 22, 20192 min read
Be A Smart Healthcare Consumer
In One Way or Another You are Paying for Your Healthcare "Consumerism" is all about looking our for YOU when you buy something....
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Christopher DiPasquale, PhD, PT, OCS, SCS, CHT
Jun 18, 20193 min read
3 Phases of Recovery
Complete all 3 Phases for a Full Recovery When You Don't Give Yourself the Time for all 3 Phases You Won't get Better Phase 1 Get Rid of...
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Christopher DiPasquale, PhD, PT, OCS, SCS, CHT
May 27, 20191 min read
Hands-on Therapy Safer than Medications
The bottom line is that spine manipulation by a physical therapist, in comparison to other medical treatments including medications,...
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Christopher DiPasquale, PhD, PT, OCS, SCS, CHT
Apr 27, 20195 min read
Why You Should Avoid X-ray, MRI, or CT Scans for Neck, Back, or Joint Pain?
Learn about the trap of having an X-ray, MRI, or CT scans for neck, back, or joint pain and how these can result in medication, injection an
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Christopher DiPasquale, PhD, PT, OCS, SCS, CHT
Mar 17, 20194 min read
Is Stretching Good for You?
Learn how stretching can help you recover from injury and prevent injury. Learn why stretching advice can be confusing.
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Christopher DiPasquale, PhD, PT, OCS, SCS, CHT
Feb 6, 20193 min read
Physical Therapy - Get the Right Treatment
Get good PT - learn to avoid the MRI trap that will often lead to medications, injections or surgery you don't need.
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Christopher DiPasquale, PhD, PT, OCS, SCS, CHT
Dec 15, 20182 min read
Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Pain and Your Posture
Learn how poor posture causes your rotator cuff and shoulder pain. Learn the difference between standard exercises and Good Physical Therap
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Christopher DiPasquale, PhD, PT, OCS, SCS, CHT
Nov 19, 20183 min read
Does Your Shoulder Hurt? Is it Your Rotator Cuff?
What is the Rotator Cuff. What Gets Pinched? Fixing your Rotator Cuff with Good Physical Therapy. Why do some people have surgery? Do I nee
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